Training Plan Muscle Building

How many repetitions and sets should a muscle building, strength enhancement, and strength endurance training plan include? Training plan for weight loss and the bulking phase. Then we will transfer the background knowledge into practice. We will provide you with tips and ready-made plans. Which exercises should not be missing in a good training plan? The best activities for every muscle group. What do a training plan for beginners and advanced users look like? 

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Efficient training planning for every level of ability. Thoroughly planned training plans as a download for beginners and advanced users. A good training plan is much more than just a series of exercises. It takes into account all factors that are necessary for building muscle and improving muscular performance. This chapter gives you an overview of how muscle building works and which parameters are crucial for a good training plan. At least, in theory, it is relatively easy to build muscle. The right stimuli must be set, which goes to the limit of the muscles' current performance. 

Such incentives first damage the muscles. As a body's reaction, it repairs the damaged muscles and strengthens them by forming new muscle fibers to better withstand the next stimulus. The whole thing is a strong reaction to our body and is called the super-compensation principle.

Optimally, the next stimulus is set when the super-compensation is at its peak. If you wait too long, the super-compensation flattens back to the initial level; if you place a new stimulus too quickly, the super-compensation is not yet complete, and you waste potential. All in all, your training plan must contain the right motivation at the right time. The right reason is determined by the optimal exercises in connection with the correct number of repetitions and sets and the optimal mix of training and regeneration. What training intensity should a training plan contain? The power generally expresses how intensely and how hard you train. Here, the 1RM (One Repeat Maximum), i.e., the weight of an exercise that you can move for one repetition, is taken as 100% as a reference value.

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The intensity depends on your goal. 85% of the 1RM trained. 85% of the 1RM per set is just doing a few repetitions. The optimal number of sets per week has been found in various studies in the range of 10-20 sets.

The latest study by Brad Schoenfeld, which was only presented at the end of August 2018, showed the best results in terms of strength and muscle building in the range of 15 sets per week per muscle group. In terms of increasing strength, the difference between 3 times 1 set per week and three times five sets was less significant than in muscle building, but three times five sets were also superior here. The intensity more or less dictates the optimal repetitions per set. Many people keep claiming that women can and should train like men because muscle is muscle. But it's not that simple. In man's evolution, women's activity consisted more of enduring loads with moderate effort, while the physical loads of men were relatively short-term and force-intensive. This fact is reflected in the woman's diet and the training plan in terms of intensity, volume, and frequency. An exercise plan for women shouldn't be as intense as one for men.

This is both muscular and due to the woman's nervous system in terms of muscle activation. The brain area responsible for explosive and high-intensity movements is not as pronounced in women as it is in men. The muscular cause lies in the distribution of the muscle fibers. While both sexes' muscle fibers initially have similar proportions, these developments in different directions in strength sports in women and men. In women, the "slow twitch," red, more fatigue-resistant muscle fibers dominate overtime during continuous strength training. In men, a slow-twitch shift in the proportion of muscle fibers in the direction of "fast twitch," white, quickly tiring muscle fibers.

 This fact, in turn, ensures that women should tolerate a higher train fast-twitched train in higher repetition ranges than men. The muscles of women are primarily more resistant to strength training. And that's even the case if you compare men and women with the same strong values. Women can take longer at moderate intensities.

Of course, this must also be taken into account in a training plan for women. The higher proportion of slow-twitch muscle fibers also affects the speed of movement. Women's disadvantage in explosive exercises becomes an advantage in slow repetitions. Because here, women are superior. Due to the larger proportion of the "slow-twitching" muscle fibers, women can perform movements with the same intensity much more slowly than men. 

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They should, therefore, also complete their training with slower movement speeds (cadence). The next advantage women have breaks in sentences because they need shorter intervals than men. Women exhaustless and are, therefore, "fresh" for the following sentence more quickly. But women don't just need fewer breaks from sentence to sentence. Women also recover faster than men from training to training. This enables you to complete your training plan with a higher frequency. This is partly because type I muscle fibers, which dominate women, suffer less damage due to slower and less intense loads, and regeneration is faster.

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